- Professor of Climate Extremes & Societal Risk
I am interested in all aspects of climate change and extreme weather.
Dim Coumou is a climate scientist who studies how global warming affects the number and intensity of extreme weather events like heat waves, heavy rainfall, storms, hurricanes and droughts. He is Professor of Climate Extremes & Societal Risk and leads a team of scientists at the Institute for Environmental Sciences (IVM, VU Amsterdam) and the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). His team pioneered the use of machine learning methods to gain new insights into the underlying physics and to improve predictability of extremes. Coumou co-founded Beyond Weather in 2023 to bring advanced AI-based seasonal forecasts to end-users in the energy and agriculture sector. He holds a PhD in Natural Sciences from ETH-Zurich (2008) for which he received the ETH Medal (top 5% only). He authored ~100 publications, is a highly cited scientist according to Web of Science (top 1%), and his work has been extensively covered by (inter)national media, including The New York Times, Financial Times, Scientific American, Nieuwsuur, Nature etc. Currently he leads the XAIDA project that unites 16 European research institutes with climate risk practitioners to better assess and predict the influence of climate change on extreme weather using novel artificial intelligence methods.