Tamara Happé

  • PhD Researcher

Tamara Happé is a PhD researcher in the climate extremes group, part of the Water & Climate Risk department at the Institute for Environmental Studies. Her research focusses on the understanding of the physical processes leading to (European) heatwaves, and how climate change is affecting these. This research is done using Machine Learning techniques and more classic statistical methods. Furthermore, both climate model simulations as well as observational datasets are used for this research, investigating the differences between heatwave processes in models and observations as well. The research is part of the XAIDA project, an EU-Horizon 2020 funded project on the detection and attribution of extreme events.

Tamara holds a Cum Laude MSc degree in Earth Sciences from the VU Amsterdam, where she specialized in Climate dynamics and Earth system modelling, and a Cum Laude joint BSc degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences from the VU Amsterdam and University of Amsterdam. She conducted her master thesis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact research, where she investigated the link between sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic and heatwaves in Europe. Tamara is interested in the dynamical drivers of extreme heat events in the climate system and particularly how climate change is affecting these drivers. Next to her research, Tamara teaches in both master and bachelor programs at the VU Amsterdam.

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Get in touch with us

Dr. Dim Coumou

Department of Water & Climate Risk
Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM)
VU Amsterdam
W&N-building, Room C-515
De Boelelaan 1087
1081 HV Amsterdam

Department of Earth System Analysis
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Telegraphenberg A62, room S16
D-14473, Potsdam, Germany