Join us


If you are interested to work with us or collaborate with us please Contact us!

Student internships

We have often internships available based in either Amsterdam or Potsdam for BSc or MSc students with backgrounds ranging from Physics, Math, Climate Sciences, Meteorology, Hydrology, Computational Sciences, Geography or similar. Typically students will be integrated in one of the ongoing-projects.

If you are interested, please contact us!

Scientist (Postdoc)

This summer we will have a new position available at the Postdoc level as part of large European funded research project. The 3-year project will study abrupt climate change in the Mediterranean region, and the candidate is expected to have experience with climate modeling. More details will follow soon….

If you are interested, please contact us!

Scientist (Postdoc)

This summer we will have a new position available at the Postdoc level as part of large European funded research project. The 3-year project will study drought and associated risks for food security. More details will follow soon….

If you are interested, please contact us!

Get in touch with us

Dr. Dim Coumou

Department of Water & Climate Risk
Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM)
VU Amsterdam
W&N-building, Room C-515
De Boelelaan 1087
1081 HV Amsterdam

Department of Earth System Analysis
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Telegraphenberg A62, room S16
D-14473, Potsdam, Germany